We continue to amaze the folks at Doctors without Borders, although when a volunteer calls and I say I have already given through Knitters Without Borders, being muggles they don't know what I am talking about. Knitters have contributed $1,062,217 out of a goal of 1 million $. This amount is still increasing as the emails get counted. You actually do give to Doctors Without Borders but then you email the Yarn Harlot and it is counted in the Knitters' totals separately.

Some of us give and some knit and some do both for causes local and around the world. I believe we do this from our hearts, expecting nothing in return except that we feel better knowing that our efforts have helped someone somewhere.
Recently here in Ithaca I wrote about the grad students learning to knit and then each giving one item to our community effort to help the young adults at Trinity Place Shelter in NYC. We also attended community knit-ins to work on other items. The woman who coordinated the effort has let us know that we sent 15 scarves, 30 hats, hand warmers, leg warmers and a lap blanket plus a box of new socks and underwear.
The shelter's executive director wrote, "FYI, Your queer knitters not only saved Christmas but also our beloved youth's cold fingers, noses and toes!!!! :) THE BOXES HAVE BEGUN TO ARRIVE!!! Hats, gloves and scarves were given out immediately, tonight! To much fanfare and immense delight of the youth!"
This morning I saw this amazing video and just had to share it with you all.
If you are so moved please make donations payable to:
Livability John Grooms Norwich
and send them to:
The Knitted Christmas Tree
John Grooms Court
215 Sprowston Road
Norwich NR3 4HX
United Kingdom
Thank you
What an extreme pleasure it is to share this craft with so many talented heartfelt folks.
Happy Holidays.
Our regularly scheduled blog will return in a day or two with Holiday Knitting results.