Truly. I have been right here but so inundated with knitting projects I have barely had time to sleep, let alone blog.
Preparing for 2 Fiber Festivals left me little time to knit so several items were left to gather fuzz for several weeks. The festivals were fun and it was great to meet and greet so many repeat and new fiberholics. Jim and I look forward to seeing some of you again at the
Lake Country Fiber Fair in Fairport, NY on Nov 13.
The major item left to gather dust bunnies is the Estrella Shawl that some of you know as A Star is Worn.
Knit Picks sent me the yarn (Imagination and Gloss) for this shawl in the summer. All I needed do was follow my own pattern and knit it up in their yarn. HA. Those of you who know me also know that I just can't leave simple alone. I have rewritten the pattern so that is is waaaaay easier to follow and added some neck shaping to the final edging.
Anyone who has the original pattern and would like a copy of the new one, please let me know. It will be pdf'd to you as soon as it is ready. I will also announce on here once the pattern is available on Knit Picks' website.
I am also in the midst of writing a shruggy pattern. Jim gave me some wonderful fingering/sport weight yarn that he spun up out of tropical sea cutivated silk and black merino. I adore the yarn. I left it within reach and sight just waiting for the right pattern. I almost knit it into a shawl several times but something stopped me each time. Now it is being knit into a shawl with sleeves and cuffs. Kind of a very loose shrug I call a Shruggy. I just may do a shruggy series.
And then T, whom many of you have met at fiber fairs, is expecting her first little one next month so it dawned on me I had better get on the needles. However it seems that with writing, rewriting, knitting into the wee hours and other mundane things like dyeing and laundry and eating I just cannot keep even a 4 row simple pattern going.

This one has been tinked and frogged too many time. It is now back into a ball. A new start on another pattern and with a different yarn is forthcoming.