So what is OFF the needles and done?
1- The tam I promised in exchange for some discontinued Filatura di Crossa kid mohair / acrylic (yes- acrylic - don't faint. We'll keep this just between us.) yarn.
2- The tam I promised myself once the de Nile items were done and the exchange hat was completed and shipped off to Ontario.
3- The vest I made to use up 4 skeins of the angora/merino yarn. (BTW all but 3 skeins in natural remain.)
4 - The sweater I started way back last year. I actually meant it to be a short sleeved cardi but once it was all knit decided to leave it as a sweater.
I was going to put buttons down the steeked column and let it look cardi-ish but when the sweater was blocked decided to actually turn it into a v-neck short sleeved sweater.
This meant changing the steek line. I tried on the sweater to see where to end the V and decided the best place was above the horizontal band near the bust line.
Steeking is scary under regular circumstances but I took a chance, marked a v line with pins and then used my trusty sewing machine to make a nice unseeable hold off the unraveling line of stitches. Then I breathed a lot, went away, came back, went away, picked up the scissors and had a chat with myself.
"So what's the worst that can happen?
Well I could ruin this sweater.
Yes, and......????
Well it took forever to knit.
Are you in love with it?
No, I thought I would be but am not.
OK then, so it won't be too traumatic if you ruin this will it?
Then I held my breath and snipped and looked around. Amazingly nothing catastrophic had occurred. The room looked the same, the ceiling was in place, the snow was still outside and the cat was still sleeping on the bed with Basel on the floor on his pillow. Let out breath.
Next I picked up stitches all around using a 24" circ. So far so good.
Then the collar edging was knit to match the other edgings and bound off. When I went to block this part I saw the edging was a bit loose so tacked the bottom into a more pronounced V.
Disaster averted and it actually fits.
5 - Knit Picks has posted my latest design for them. Circle of Hearts Beret.
So now I am allowed to begin a new design. My Very Own Cowl for mvosister who says she wears the Pretty Thing almost every day in this cold cold winter.
There's a fantastic vest in the works too.