In the back of my mind was the idea that I would like to submit some of these patterns to knitting magazines. With tchemgrrl as my co designer we did write a wonderful tunic pattern and submitted it to Knitty will not publish any design that has even been hinted at in a blog so you all have not heard of it. Well, this pattern made it through several hoops but not the last jump. Darn! It has now been submitted to Knitter's Magazine so keep your fingers crossed.
Then I saw that Knit Picks was taking submissions for their Independent Designer Program. The guidelines are about as long as Knitty's but are really not difficult to follow. I took a deep breath and submitted 2 designs. Within 3 weeks (way shorter than the 3 months from Knitty) I was told that one of the two was accepted. Whooo eee outta sight!!!! Dance Dance Dance.
Next was to choose yarn and colors from the Knit Picks selections in concert with my Knit Picks Relationship Manager. Then they sent me the yarn and I knit a sample. Once that was done I sent in the pattern and the sample and some pics. They don't always take the pics but this time they did.
Butterfly & Kisses Legwarmers were published in April.

I then submitted 2 hats and mittens, none of which were accepted. However from my freelance illustration days way back when I know to persevere. I also know that once something is accepted and a relationship begun, it gets easier and easier. With this in mind I sent in the Linear Shawl which was accepted rather quickly. I think timing and time of year may have something to do with what is taken but I don't have enough experience with KP yet to really know.
We went through the same routine of choosing yarn, colors, receiving the yarn and knitting the sample. Then I took pics, sent in the sample, the contract and the pattern. This time they did not like the pics so there was a delay while they took professional ones. The wait was well worth it don't you think?
Did I mention that they send me an advance on royalties for each pattern? All IDP patterns are sold on their site for $1.99 and are only available by download. However I am credited with the entire $1.99, get free yarn to knit the sample with and get the sample returned to me once the pattern has gone live. Major WIN/WIN here.
After the Linear Shawl I submitted a shoulder cowl and some socks. Sorry no, BUT the next two designs were a YES!
I am currently knitting on toe up Sea Shell socks in a watery colored Risatta. They should be up on the site within 2 weeks. This is such fun!!
After that will be cuff down Berry Pie socks with a blueberry filling.
I'll let you know as each appears.