I have not been in Bermuda getting a tan. I have not been in Aspen skiing. Nor have I been asleep. AAMOF I have been getting less sleep.
Knit Picks said yes to a 3-color version of the
Starflower Beret.

3-color mock-up->
They sent me 3 colors of Palette fingering yarn in purples! I wanted to make something modern, not traditional fair-isle, and think I have suceeded. Excitement abounded for at least 2 weeks until I had to go left brained to write out the line-by line instructions. arghhhhh. And frog what did not work, reknit, rewrite, tink, rewrite, knit, rewrite, retype, redo the chart, knit, etc.
This pattern uses all 3 types of colorwork - stranded, woven and intarsia (well only a little bit of intarsia on a few rounds). It also uses I-cord cast-on and bind off. I got inspiration from my regular nature source but also from visiting MacKenzie Childs, up the lake a bit. Of course
MacKenzie-Childs is over the top but I have always said that just a little bit makes a sparkling addition to any decor.
In this pattern set, a color block check is used to offset the solid areas.
Marina graciously modeled.
I am immensely satisfied with the design and product - Lily Tam and its sister pattern - Lily Fingerless Mitts. No modesty here. I really really love this set. They will be mailed to Knit Picks tomorrow and the pattern goes in to them later today. Alas until Knit Picks publishes it they are not for sale.
Carl has finally finally gotten me to the point of revamping my website. He has been very patient with hints but a few weeks ago made a special date with me to give me a presentation on how and why my website is sorely out of date. I can no longer ignore this.
Alas I am the webmistress. I also wear most of the hats in Spinning Bunny so spending hours and hours learning CSS and some javascript keeps getting put on the back burner. However this week I bit the bullet and learned to use Spry in Dreamweaver. A horizontal pull down menu (which will soon be on every page once the lists are settled) is
here on our 7th Anniversary Prize page. Oh and a collapsible panel is
here on the yarn palette page. The longer pages will eventually have these panels to shorten your scrolling time.
Now I am confused as to which hat to put on. Maybe lunch will restore my order.