The Festival, which has about 80 vendors, is laid out all over the Fairgrounds in 4 barns plus individual canopied booths, leaving lots of room for strolling, looking, chatting and especially for carrying away large bags of score.

We are located in Barn A which is guarded by, of course, a Llama.
Across from us and a bit down is Phillery's booth. She has fibers, yarns, books and
sweet pygoras.
Then if we saunter out and over we get to the smaller metal barn where music plays most of the day. They even strolled into our barn on Sunday afternoon.
This woman looks as if she just won the lottery. I think she either just found out she won a prize or else scored a great bit of fiber.
Just outside this metal barn are demos. Basketry was fascinating.
Then by walking over and up the hill a bit is the largest booth (20' x 30') at the fair-- Winderwood Farm -- run by my adopted brother Bob and his partner Patrick. That's Bob on the right in the jazzy pants.
At any time you can jump aboard the free wagon ride just for the fun of it or to get you to another section of the fair.
We are getting off across from the larger metal barn where the prize winning yarn and FO's were on display.
This is my favorite picture. Makes me think of a nudist camp where you can wear anything or nothing and no one minds.
See ya next year at the Fair.
Thanks to Carol for taking all these shots while I was busy in our booth.